Watch me teach

How I tutor maths online

Here are some videos of me explaining how to answer the questions on some worksheets I created. 

These are interleaving worksheets (each question is a different topic).

Both of these worksheets can be downloaded for free from my resource page. 

Here is more information about exactly what interleaving is and how I use it in my teaching.

Instructional Videos

Here is a recent video I created explaining how I teach students to expand double brackets.

I try and use colours in a deliberate and focused way to help students see exactly what I'm doing. This is something students have told me they find really helpful.

I use instructional videos like this to teach key topics in my weekly revision class.

The worksheet featured in this video can be downloaded here.

The answers can be downloaded here and again you can see my use of colours in my working out.

Exam Paper Walkthroughs

Here are a series of videos I made explaing how I would approach these three GCSE maths past papers.

Here I'm trying to explain how I would approach these questions and my thinking when breaking questions down. I'm trying to show students the right approach to take and how to improve their exam technique.

I offer weekly revision classes where we look exclusively at GCSE past papers. These have proven very successful and are a very affordable way of getting structured support with maths.