
This page is a collection of all of the maths resources I have made, including my practice papers and interleaving resources

I am an avid creator of resources for use in my teaching. My worksheets have been downloaded over 100,000 times from my TES Page and many more times from this website.

I manage a popular maths resource website called which has links to all my resources, as well as links to amazing resources other people have created.

This page has links to my Maths Worksheets, Practice Papers, Interleaving resources and collated Past Paper Questions from GCSE papers.

A free GCSE maths assessment

A free GCSE maths assessment. Find out what grade your child is currently working at.

THE GCSE exam timetable for your digital calendar

The summer GCSE exam timetable added to your phone.

Interleaving maths resources are worksheets that have a mixture of different topics.

Interleaving as a strategy has been shown to increase and even double maths learning.

Worksheets from GCSE Edexcel maths papers. 

The questions are arranged by their topic and are loosely arranged by their grade level. Including full hand written solutions.

GCSE Maths Exam practice Papers by Ken Stafford

Here are some exam practice papers I created in the style of the Edexcel maths GCSE papers. They include my full solutions.

A selection of various maths worksheets I've made over the years.